Thursday 25 March 2010

Crit Feedback - 24th March

Old Wives' Tales=
  • You have identified the problem but did not address it in terms of branding.
  • Consider an unified brand to unite all the products together - think IDENTITY 'OWT'
  • Good research
  • If a novelty item, need to see how they will be presented in context. What else will the packaging have to show gimmick?
  • Not clear as yet where old wives' tale bottles will sit, how will they be presented?
  • Fitting to the period, aesthetically pleasing.
  • Really simple and intriguing.
  • Needs further development and consideration of idea generation before final design.
  • Blog wouldn't navigate to brief
  • Unsure where the logo has come from.
  • Re-consider labels - don't think you need the brown panel, the contrasting qualities don't work as well?
  • In depth research, well informed contextual understanding
  • Well developed projects
  • Excellent packaging concepts, well executed
  • Professional looking products, effective designs
  • Good annotation, clear process of resolving briefs.
  • Very through and clearly documented.
  • Considered well, documented and annotated.
  • Clear and in depth analysis.
  • Very good, applied a range of processes.

Overall, I do not feel the crit was that useful for me compared to the previous one. Everyone seemed to be very quiet and did not give me that much to work on. People said they liked the packaging and that was mainly it. I also followed the crit rules and wrote out 5 questions, yet by the end of the session I had no answers!! Luckily Justin was there and advised me on my old wives' tale branding and some elements of my viewpoints brief. The are a few points I can take from the group talk:-

  • Resolve branding for old wives' tales
  • How will the bottles be packaged? (this is stated in my blogs, however I need to get on with it)
  • See why blog won't navigate to viewpoints brief
  • Check that the logo (viewpoints brief) is documented and people understand where it came from
From a personal point-of-view I want to achieve the following over Easter:
  • Make viewpoints branding and packaging
  • Finish pattern designs for viewpoints (print when back after Easter)
  • Do and finalise Old Wives Tales branding - redo labels if needed (print after Easter)
  • Do and finalise Old Wives Tales packaging (print after Easter)
  • Finish back-up work of viewpoints brief and old wives tales brief
  • Finish stationery brief - back-up and final pieces (print after Easter)
  • Develop layouts for Fashion yearbook brief
  • Bring DC blog up-to-date
  • Write baking brief
  • Start baking brief - research and initial ideas
  • Do initial design work for Ted baker brief
  • Make self promotional packs
  • Find 10 companies I want to work for
  • Send packs out to companies

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